Sarasota & Venice Mattress Stores Blog

What is REM Sleep?

As we age, most people will find themselves working long hours while getting by on a five-hour dose of sleep. The truth is that they are affecting their ability to function at optimal levels and to recall the previous day's activities. When we go to sleep, our brains catalogue everything we did during the day, it assigns mental acuity and mood by releasing hormones that prime our memory. To achieve this, the brain requires 8 hours of restful sleep. Anything less than this reduces our creativity and affects our mood, concentration, and profitability.
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Understanding Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep

Sleep usually passes through five stages: 1, 2, 3, 4 and REM stage. Of these, the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) stage is the most important. During the REM stage, a person asleep starts breathing slower, more sporadically, and shallower. Their eyes begin jerking quickly and their body muscles become paralyzed. In REM stage, the brain waves are almost the same level as when a person is fully awake. Since a person is technically awake, they will sometimes act out their dreams. Their actions are dependent on the level of muscle paralysis and may be flailing, kicking, or talking.

The heart rate is increased and the body is unable to control its temperature. This is also the stage at which most of our dreams happen, and if a person is awoken at this stage, they will usually recall their dreams. A good night’s sleep will consist of 3 to 5 REM intervals.

Researchers have shown that inadequate rest, especially, inadequate REM sleep causes harmful proteins to develop in the brain and this affects our memory storage which may lead to Alzheimer's disease. REM sleep is very important for our memory is to work optimally.

One reason a person may not get to that stage is because of certain prescription drugs that can completely hinder a person's ability to achieve REM sleep. People on any type of medication and who experience problems recalling memories are advised to consult a physician.

Another reason is the conditions of our beds. A good mattress will ensure that a person goes through all five stages smoothly. Specialists like Land of Sleep in downtown Sarasota offer the best mattresses, like the ones that combine pressure reduction bedding with the ability to adjust the elevation to your preferred sleeping position.

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Tags: Sleep Tips, Sleep Health