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Best and Worst Foods to Eat in the Evening to Sleep Better

Written by Land of Sleep | March 31, 2015

 Getting restful, healthy sleep is something we all love. There's nothing better than getting up in the morning feeling refreshed and well-rested. Having a comfortable mattress to sleep on matters, but you may consider some of the food you eat before bed. There are some foods that are good to eat while there are really bad foods that will disrupt a good night's rest.

Best Foods to Eat in the Evening
• Bananas provide your body with a number of benefits. They contain Tryptophan, an amino acid that converts serotonin and boosts your mood for a restful night. Bananas have potassium and magnesium which relax the muscles in your body. This fruit has some melatonin, which also alerts your body when it is time for bed and helps you sleep better. 

Related Blog: How Certain Foods Can Affect Falling Asleep and Dreaming

• Almond Butter can be eaten on a slice of apple or by itself a short period of time before sleeping. It promotes sleeping by relaxing the muscles in your body with magnesium.

• Tart Cherry Juice has melatonin and can help your body relax and prepare for sleep. If you have a hard time sleeping, this is perfect to drink before bedtime, as it will increase sleep efficiency by six percent.

Worst Foods to Eat in the Evening
• Spicy Foods such as Mexican or Indian food and Tobasco sauce. These foods can cause indigestion and raise the body temperature, causing an unrestful night.

• Sugary food can make you not want to sleep at all. Snacks like cookies, ice cream and cake will make your blood sugar spike, causing you to want to get up and do anything but sleep.

• Caffeine is just as bad as sugar before bedtime, as it will take a long time to settle down. Caffeine can be found in coffee, types of teas, soda, and chocolate.

Keeping in mind what to eat and what not to eat before going to bed, you should also realize that having a comfortable mattress will increase your ability to relax that much faster. You will wake up refreshed and ready to face another day.