Sarasota & Venice Mattress Stores

The Healthy Sleep Equation

Written by Land of Sleep | August 07, 2014

Mattresses are the most important health care product in your household. Here is an outline of common physical conditions and how they affect how we sleep. Using the correct mattress not only helps with comfort, but can also help improve health issues.

1: Aging- As we age, our bodies and physical condition change, which means sleep becomes more important, and having the correct mattress is vital. Choosing the correct mattress height and adjustability are factors to consider when addressing this issue.
2: Allergies & Asthma- Many individuals who suffer from allergies and asthma also experience heart burn. Elevating the head by using an adjustable base is the best option to help control heart burn.
3: Beauty Sleep- Adequate amounts of sleep decrease stress hormones, which accelerate aging.
4: Arthritis- Not only does joint pain cause sleep loss, but that lack of sleep makes joint pain worse. Recent research has even shown that an inadequate amount of sleep can cause bone loss.
5: Chronic Diseases- Sufficient sleep can minimize many chronic conditions. It can help decrease the possibility of diabetes, stroke, heart disease, and depression.
6: Co-sleeping- Many couples do not sleep well together due to partners with different temperature, blanket, and softness needs. Sleep clinics are pushing to remove the stigma from sleeping apart in order to get sufficient sleep. Sleeping well will keep the romance and help you reap the benefits of being well rested.
7: Insomnia- Many individuals have insomnia at some point. Insomniacs are hyper sensitive to their sleep environment, temperature, and mattress. It’s believed that insomniacs aren’t able to lower their core temperature and are also associated with having heart burn, so a cooling gel mattress or adjustable base can help.
8: Obesity- One factor of obesity is sleep deprivation. Sleeping on the best mattress for you can help manage this disease.

Land of Sleep has created a guide to help you find the perfect mattress for your needs. Everything from comfort level, to size, to density has been factored in so you can choose adequately. To test any type of mattress, stop in one of our show rooms and one of our experts can help guide you through the process.