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How to Choose the Best Bed Frame

Written by Land of Sleep | August 20, 2015

We spend about a third of our lives asleep, making your bed one of the more important pieces of furniture in your home. When choosing a bed, pay attention to all the major components, not just the mattress. The bed frame is also an important part of the purchase. Learning about the factors in choosing a bed frame allows you to get the best possible product for your money when you decide to make a purchase.

Related Blog: What you Need to Know About Bed Frames

What Does a Bed Frame Do?
Your bed frame provides support for your box spring if you have one. Raising the bed up off the floor can make it more comfortable. It will also be easier to get into and out of bed. Those are the practical benefits of your bed frame, but there are other benefits. Consider the fact that a bed frame can serve as an important design element in a room. Bed frames may come with decorative footboards and headboards that make your bed the focal point of your bedroom decor.

What to Consider When Shopping for a Bed Frame

You will want a bed frame that fits the room well. For example, a bed with a metal frame may be an excellent complement to a contemporary decor. On the other hand, if elegance is what you are after, you could try a canopy or a sleigh bed.

How Easy is it to Move?
Some bed frames are large, heavy and impossible to break down into smaller pieces. Before purchasing a bed frame, make sure that you can get it into your bedroom. You can do this by measuring your doorways and hallways. If they are too small, opt for a frame with smaller headboards and footboards or one that you can disassemble. You can also shop for bed frames with casters so that you can roll it into your bedroom rather than attempt to carry it.

What is Your Budget?
You have a range of price options when shopping for a bed frame. The main factor in cost is the design. The more elaborate the design of the headboard and other parts, the higher the cost. Set a budget before shopping.

Choose your bed frame with care as it will not only influence your bedroom's look, it can affect your comfort as well. Land of sleep has a wide selection of bed frames to fit your needs. Stop by either of our locations today to find the perfect one for you!

For support, stability and movement prevention try Knickerbocker Bed Frames