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How Bad Air Can Affect Sleep Health

Written by Land of Sleep | May 16, 2018

One of the major causes of snoring, a sign that you are not getting enough sleep, is a condition called sleep apnea. Sleep apnea occurs most in people who are overweight because a thick, soft tissue of the throat occasionally obstructs the airway. You can also have something called central sleep apnea that results from the failure of the brain to signal your throat muscles to breathe. Various devices such as a CPAC are available to help you deal with sleep apnea.

Related Blog: Is Snoring Bad For Your Health?

However, one other situation can cause snoring and thus lack of restful sleep. If the air in your bedroom is dusty, full of allergens, or just plain stagnant, you may find yourself snoring. Insulated homes help to keep the temperature under control, but they also help to give pollutants nowhere to escape. Breathing bad air can lead to less restful sleep.

A number of causes for poor air quality in homes exist. In times past, houses were designed to have ventilation with the outside air. Windows could be opened to let in a breeze during the summer months to provide superior air circulation.

However, with the advent of central air and heating systems, modern homes are built to be sealed off from the outside. After all, it costs more to cool down a house in the summer and warm one in the winter if the outside air keeps getting in. However, air in modern homes tends to be stagnant if measures are not taken to make sure it circulates.

Another cause of poor air quality in homes results from neglecting housework. With two-earner families having become the norm, tasks such as dusting, vacuuming, and mopping have become chores that tend to be put off. While some people are prosperous enough to hire a cleaning service or simply have the discipline to make time for cleaning, dust and allergens can accumulate if left alone for very long.

Things happening in the outside environment can also get inside the house if you are not careful. Home construction or renovation, spraying for insects, and other activities can generate pollutants that can get inside the house, aggravating any breathing problems you might have.

Air ducts and other parts of your air conditioning and heating system can become dusty over time, causing the dust to be circulated throughout the house.

Fortunately, you can do a number of things to improve your home's air quality.

Dust, mop, and vacuum on a regular basis. Housework can be a chore, especially when all of the adults in a household work, but a regular cleaning cuts down on dust, mites, and other pollutants that can impact air quality.

Make sure that you change or clean your air conditioning filters on a regular basis. This task is necessary for keeping your heating and cooling system running at peak efficiently, in any event. Also, every year you should have your temperature control system inspected. At that time, have your ducts cleaned properly.

Use a dehumidifier or a humidifier, depending on what part of the country you live is, to keep the moisture in the air under control. Too much moisture can cause the growth of mold, which is not only a pollutant but can be an expensive problem if left unchecked. Too little moisture will dry you out excessively leading to breathing problems.

Make sure you have a doormat deployed so that you and your guests can wipe their feet and not track in dirt.

Finally, you might consider having a table fan set in your bedroom. A fan will help to circulate the air, making it less stagnant, which can reduce snoring.