Sarasota & Venice Mattress Stores

Benefits of an Organic Mattress

Written by Land of Sleep | May 08, 2023

Your mattress may not be the first thing to come to mind when it comes to improving your health, but the quality of what you sleep on can provide a wide range of benefits that come with getting better sleep. Much like consuming organic foods can be better for you than eating foods that are filled with preservatives and other chemicals, an organic mattress made from natural materials can be a more beneficial alternative. Here are five of the most common benefits of choosing an organic mattress over a synthetic alternative!

Better Temperature Regulation

Sleeping on a hot mattress that does not breathe well can be challenging, especially during the warmer months. With an organic mattress, the natural materials have a better ability to breathe meaning that you’ll stay cooler in the warmer summer months and warmer in the cooler months. This means that you’ll overall have a better quality of sleep at night. 

Durable and Long Lasting 

Many synthetic mattresses do not last very long without breaking down, becoming less comfortable, and disrupting your sleep. Organic fibers and other materials make your mattress more durable and capable of lasting for at least 20 years, which can be much easier on your budget than having to replace another type of mattress more frequently. Although you do not necessarily need to buy the most expensive mattress available to get a good night's sleep, your bedding is one area in which you typically get what you pay for, and it is generally worth it to spend a bit more to get the highest-quality mattress you can afford.

Better Support

Mattresses made from lower-quality materials are not always capable of adequately supporting your body without applying too much pressure, which can make it difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position. Organic mattresses are often more capable of providing the support your body needs to feel secure without pushing too hard on areas that do not need as much support. Getting this balance right can result in spending less time trying to find a comfortable position and more time asleep, which will help you feel more refreshed each morning. 

Hypo-Allergenic Alternative to Synthetic Materials

Being allergic to your mattress or the debris it collects can certainly disrupt your sleep, and many mattresses are better than you might expect at trapping dust, pollen, and other allergens. Conventional mattresses can also be made with chemicals and other materials that are more likely to cause you to experience a reaction, which can mean that covering or swapping your mattress can be your only option for getting a better night's sleep. Switching to an organic mattress as soon as you notice your current mattress is causing a reaction is often a better decision than taking your chances with another lower-end brand that may not be any better.

Even if you are not allergic to your mattress, the chemicals it is made with and the dust it traps can irritate your lungs and impact your breathing. An organic mattress made from natural materials that do not require flame retardants, pesticides, or other harsh chemicals can improve the air quality in your home and make it easier to breathe, especially at night. 

At Land of Sleep, we are here to help you find the mattress that best meets your needs to improve the quality of your sleep and boost your energy each morning. The materials of your mattress matter more than you might think, and replacing your ordinary mattress with one of our organic alternatives can result in significantly better sleep. Stop in today to learn more about the benefits of choosing an organic mattress or to feel what sets our collection apart for yourself!