Sarasota & Venice Mattress Stores

Night Owl vs. DSPS vs. Insomnia: What's the Difference? Signs and Symptoms

Written by Land of Sleep | May 04, 2020

Sleep is just as important for good health as diet and exercise. However, an estimated 50 to 70 million Americans have ongoing sleep disorders. Some people struggle with drowsiness in the morning, while others notice persistent drowsiness throughout the day. 

Related Blog: Exploring Connections Between Poor Sleep and Brain Health

It is easy to confuse being a night owl with having a sleep disorder. However, these are completely different conditions. To learn whether you should be worried about late nights and daytime drowsiness, you need to understand the difference between being a night owl and having Insomnia or Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS).

Are You a Night Owl? 

A night owl is a person who prefers to stay active late into the night. Night Owls prefer to do their chores at night, whereas early birds would rather do them first thing in the morning. To know if you fall into the night owl category consider these common signs:

  • You enjoy staying up late
  • You are most active and productive at night
  • Waking up is always a struggle
  • You feel tired after waking up early
  • You only feel tired or groggy in the morning

Night owls are often confused with insomniacs because Western society isn’t conducive to their natural sleep cycle. The key difference between being a night owl and having a sleep disorder is that being a night owl doesn't severely impact your daily life. If you’re a night owl, you might feel foggy and tired in the morning, but recover by the late morning or early afternoon. If this continues throughout the day, then your drowsiness might be something more. 

What is Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS)?

If you don’t just feel tired in the mornings but throughout the entire day, then you might be confusing night owl behavior with the symptoms of a sleep disorder called Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS). Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome (DSPS) is a condition that keeps you awake late into the night and leaves you feeling severely tired throughout the day. Symptoms of Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome include:

  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Difficulty waking up
  • Severe daytime drowsiness
  • Behavioral and mood changes
  • Trouble with concentration, focus, and memory

Unlike night owls, people with DSPS cannot regulate when their body tells them to sleep. If you are living with Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome, it’s important to seek treatment so you can reduce your symptoms and improve your sleep.  

Signs and Symptoms of Insomnia

Insomnia can be confused with DSPS and night owl habits because one of the common symptoms is having trouble falling asleep. Unlike DSPS and night owl people, insomnia can also cause trouble with staying asleep and/or your sleep quality. The condition can be short-term or long-term, and may also come and go. Insomnia is a common sleep disorder, affecting about 30 million Americans.

Almost everyone experiences insomnia from time to time. If you have insomnia, you may experience one or any combination of these symptoms:

  • Trouble falling asleep
  • Lying awake for long periods at night
  • Difficulty staying asleep throughout the night
  • Unwanted early morning waking
  • Not feeling refreshed when you wake up

The disorder can lead to daytime sleepiness and lethargy, mood changes, lack of concentration, anxiety, depression, and relationship problems, effectively interfering with your quality of life.

Signs it's Your Mattress, Not a Sleep Disorder

If you’re experiencing symptoms of a sleep disorder, contact your healthcare provider to discuss treatment options. You may also want to consider whether your mattress is causing your symptoms. Mattresses play a big part in sleep quality and typically only last about 8 years.

Here are some signs that you need a new mattress:

  • Trouble falling asleep 
  • Frequent sleep disruptions 
  • Stiffness, soreness, or body pains
  • Poor sleep quality and fatigue even after getting a full eight hours

On the other hand, a good mattress offers effective support to your body, the right comfort level, and ample relief to pressure points. This helps improve your overall sleeping experience, ensuring you feel well-rested every morning.

Are you looking to improve your sleep quality? Land of Sleep can help. We are a local store committed to providing you with quality mattresses and adjustable beds in Sarasota and Venice. Get in touch with our experienced sleep specialists to learn more about getting a restful night's sleep.