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7 Reasons Why Letting Your Pet Share Your Bed Actually Helps You Sleep

Written by Land of Sleep | August 09, 2017

Many pet owners who participated in a study carried out by the Mayo Clinic in Arizona stated that their pets were unobtrusive or helped them to sleep. More pet owners found the presence of a pet beneficial rather than disruptive. Consider the following reasons to let your dog or cat sleep in your bed with you. 

Related Blog: Interesting Animal Sleep Habits

1. Comfort

If you suffer from anxiety, you might have trouble sleeping. Having your pet in bed with you can provide comfort. Dogs have evolved to be highly attuned to their human owners' emotions and mental states. Studies show that people with pets have lower blood pressure when faced with stressful situations than people without pets.

2. They Provide Comfort

Many people find the rhythmic breathing and snoring of a dog to be beneficial for sleep. Dogs have been used to treat a range of sleep problems ranging from chronic nightmares to narcolepsy.

3. They Increase Your Sense of Safety

Dogs can alert you immediately if there is something wrong elsewhere in your house. Their great hearing and sense of smell can make you aware long before your own senses detect a problem.

4. It Keeps Them Calm

In addition to improving your own well-being, sharing the bed with your pet can also be good for your animals. A dog that barks constantly may be quieter and better behaved if you let them in your bed.

5. They Are Warm

Dogs and cats can radiate a lot of heat, which means that they can provide warmth during the colder months.

6. They Relieve Depression

Studies have shown that dogs can help reduce symptoms of depression in people. If depression is keeping you up at night, sharing your bed with your pet may improve your mood.

7. You Strengthen Your Bond

Unless you work from home, you will be away from your pet for much of the day. Neglected pets can become hyperactive and destructive during the day, leaving you stressed and unable to sleep at night. Letting your pet get on your bed comforts them and relieves your stress.