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What Causes Sleep Apnea?

Written by Land of Sleep | November 10, 2016

Sleep Apnea is a serious disorder that causes breathing to repeatedly stop for 10 or more seconds while you are sleeping. This disorder decreases the oxygen in the bloodstream and often awakens you throughout the night. While it would be simple if sleep apnea had just one cause, it does not. Here are a few things that can cause or trigger sleep apnea.
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Excess Weight

Overweight individuals can have more weight around their mouth and tongue so when their muscles relax, the soft tissues in those areas can block their airway.


About 40% of the people diagnosed with sleep apnea have family members who also suffered from the condition. Anatomical abnormalities can cause the condition to continue down the family line.

Enlarged Tonsils

Many children who have sleep apnea later learn that their tonsils are enlarged, which causes them to have issues breathing when they are sleeping. Once they have their tonsils removed, the sleep apnea disappears.

Dental Conditions

Even dental conditions like a large overbite can cause sleep apnea to occur in some patients. This is something that can be cured with orthodontic help.

While not a direct cause, sleep apnea is often associated with high blood pressure, diabetes, heart failure, and other serious issues. Those who suffer from the ailment often find they are tired all the time and more prone to get into accidents or fall into depression. There are a lot of complications that can arise from sleep apnea. If you think you might have issues with sleep apnea, it is best to treat the situation sooner rather than later.