Sarasota & Venice Mattress Stores

Maintain Your Mattress: Best Practices for Keeping Your Mattress Like New

Written by Land of Sleep | August 04, 2016

Buying a mattress is an investment, one you don't want to have to make on a regular basis. When you get a mattress you really love, you want it to last as long as possible. Use these tips to keep your mattress in like-new condition for as long as possible.

Related Blog: Where Can I Buy a New Mattress in Downtown Sarasota? 

Tip 1: Flip it

You will want to turn and flip your mattress on a regular basis so it will wear in an even manner. Turn the mattress every season and also rotate it clockwise so you can keep track of how to move it. If two people sleep in the bed, rotating the mattress will prolong its life and help even the wear.

Tip 2: Dry it Out

Mattresses can only handle a little bit of water at a time. Whether you know it or not, you sweat at night. You might end up spot cleaning the mattress or even putting slightly damp sheets onto it sometimes as well. You will want to dry your mattress out on a regular basis. That means leaving the sheets pulled back in the morning before you make the bed so it can dry. Or leaving the mattress open to the air in the room after spot cleaning it.

Tip 3: Use a Mattress Protector

Even if the mattress is used by people old enough not to wet the bed, you never know what will happen to it. Protect your mattress from spills and stains by investing in a mattress protector. There are many different types of protectors and most can be washed easily. It is much easier to wash and clean a protector than a mattress and the protector can prolong the overall life of your mattress.

Mattresses are often costly and they determine how well you sleep at night. When you find a mattress that helps you get a good night of sleep, you want to do everything you can to protect its life for as long as possible. These three tips will help your mattress live and serve you for as many years as possible.